Read about how an all new training program has helped Cat focus her training and get fitter and stronger
Read about how an all new training program has helped Cat focus her training and get fitter and stronger
So, as a personal trainer, I talk quite a lot about my own journey from obesity to personal training. Over the years, it’s really driven the way I help people make changes in their own lives. My own journey continues and while its not always easy, sometimes it’s really hard actually. In general, it’s fun and I try to bring that sense of fun and excitement to training for my clients. As clients reach their one year anniversary of working with me, I ask them to just take a moment to reflect on their journey so far, how they are feeling and what changes they have made.
‘As someone who is new to the world of exercise, I am very grateful that I have found Teejay and her bootcamps. From the instant I met Teejay, she was incredibly welcoming and friendly, and put me right at ease. Her bootcamps are different every week and I love how creative and motivational the sessions are. You can adapt it to your level, at the same time as pushing yourself. And it’s a laugh! I cannot recommend her enough, and I always look forward to my weekly session!’ Eliza Cox – bootcamp client
At the very core of what I teach at All Change is the idea that fitness is a process not a goal. Working slowly and consistently on building fitness into your everyday life rather than focussing on weightloss, means that you enjoy all the benefits of being healthy and fit for longer periods of time. Yvonne, like many of us had been in the ‘join-a-gym-on-a-12-month-contract-but-never-go-after-the-first-month’ cycle for a decade, before finding amazing success with a little help and a fresh approach…
All Change branches into Corporate Training with great results!
So sometimes social media can be a funny thing – you want to tell people who follow you just what great results you’re getting but how do you do it without looking and sounding like a douchebag?
I don’t really know the answer to be honest but I’ve always been a relatively straightforward lass so my preference is always just to say things straight up and hope it finds the right audience without making me sound silly and if I occasionally miss the mark, hopefully I learn from it right? I’ve never been really got the subtle art of the ‘not-so-humble-brag’. So rather than trying to find a way to slip a little humble brag in here, I’m just going to shout it from the rooftops instead!
I’ve been working with the lovely Tess for just over a year and we had the chance to chat recently about her tremendous progress during the first year of her training program. I asked her to take a moment to put it into her own words so here you go:
So, I have been training with Teejay over a year now, and I can say I’ve loved all of it – well apart from lunges, and that stupid stretchy torture rope…
Goodness me, wasn’t the London Marathon just brilliant yesterday? The elites are always amazing – they go faster over a full marathon that I’ve ever gone in half marathon!!! What I really like about the Marathon though, is the human stories. The people who run for the most touching reasons and raise money for some really important causes. The ‘everyman’ for whom running is not a natural thing to be enjoyed but a complete slog. This year the headline charity was the Royals project ‘Heads together’ which aims to remove the stigma around mental health by normalising the conversation.
So full of laughter and fun, meet Tess – a much loved client at All Change. Every single session she comes along and gives 100% effort, checking in regularly during the week to update on how she is getting on with weekly targets its brilliant to watch her go from strength to strength. Here’s a little bit of her journey so far!
To finish off the series of new year blogs, I got chatting to Claire Hougham earlier this week about getting stuck in the January cycle and she had a very sensible approach to it all that I wanted to share.
Claire is one of those crazy types who regularly dashes off at the weekend to run a marathon or an Ultra marathon. She’ll be joining the team at All Change fairly soon to work with clients who want to focus on running, so whether you’re a seasoned runner looking to get faster or run longer distances, or you’re new to running and want some help getting started then Claire is going to be able to help! She’s also available to give a little advice on better nutrition.
Meet the lovely Emma! She’s been a client at All Change since late summer 2016. High energy and really hard working, Emma’s progress has been remarkable and the regular training she enjoys with me is definitely paying dividends. I checked in with her last week to see what she thinks of her training so far: