Gavin’s story – Our client has his own say…

So, as a personal trainer, I talk quite a lot about my own journey from obesity to personal training. Over the years, it’s really driven the way I help people make changes in their own lives. My own journey continues and while its not always easy, sometimes it’s really hard actually. In general, it’s fun and I try to bring that sense of fun and excitement to training for my clients. As clients reach their one year anniversary of working with me, I ask them to just take a moment to reflect on their journey so far, how they are feeling and what changes they have made.

Gavin contacted me just over a year ago, conscious that he’d become quite unfit and unhealthy and wanting to make some sustainable changes. He was looking for a healthier way forward, especially with his wedding coming up in less than a year. We started working together once a week and were able to be pretty consistent through the year and its been such a pleasure to watch him really embrace his own journey. We made decisions together about what’s achievable in the week and I’ve been able to watch him getting stronger and fitter through the year.

A journey back to health and fitness starts here

Here are Gavin’s thoughts…

A little about me

I’ve never loved exercise from being a kid – I absolutely hated PE at school. To me sports at school were exclusionary. Teachers had no time for someone like me who doesn’t enjoy team activities and wasn’t naturally gifted at football. Nothing at school or university changed this view of sport as quite “blokey” and not for me. I never found a sport I liked and as I became more unfit and exercise became harder, this pushed me even further away from doing lots of activity. It became a bit of a cycle.

Why did I start training with TeeJay at All Change?

Approaching 30, I found myself getting out of breath doing things I’d previously taken for granted like taking the dog for a walk in the park. On top of that I’ve had a few weight-related health issues. So I decided that if I was going to get a grip of this and improve my health I needed some help from someone else.

I researched local training options and came across All Change. I read a few of TeeJay’s blogs about her own journey and it was such a relief to find someone out there who actually understood what it’s like to be overweight and unhealthy. We met up and I instantly felt confident that she could help me get to where I wanted to be.

3) In the 12 months since I started working with All Change, what’s changed?

The main change I’ve found is in my confidence in doing activity that otherwise I would have shied away from. I’m a regular swimmer now and I look forward to our sessions every week. I’m not sure I’m at the “loving exercise” stage yet but I’m a lot fitter than I was and noticing that improvement has really spurred me on.

TeeJay’s sessions work for me for a few reasons. I like the discipline of having to get up and go do a workout. With someone there expecting me, I can’t put things off or make an excuse. And I love being outdoors doing exercise. It’s a complete change from the usual atmosphere of a gym and I find that really healthy. I’m also a lot more active now than I was. I walk a lot more and I’m a regular swimmer as well as the sessions I do with TeeJay.

What advice do I have for someone wanting to do something about their health and fitness but nervous about the idea of working with a PT?

I would say think carefully about what you want from your PT. For me I wanted to be healthier. It wasn’t necessarily about shifting pounds or looking slimmer. I wanted to be able to go for a walk or up some stairs and not get out of breath. I wanted to be stronger and without some of the aches and pains I’d become used to.

Once you have that view of what you want – go out there and find a PT that can match these goals. TeeJay was fantastic because she completely understood my story and what I wanted an also because she understands the realities of people’s lives. She was clear that  my fitness journey was just as much about a change in attitude and helped me with that side of things, as well as understanding that it’s not realistic for people to just live on nuts and seeds all the time. Fitness has to work for people in their real lives and I’ve really found that attitude incredibly helpful.


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