Read about how an all new training program has helped Cat focus her training and get fitter and stronger
Read about how an all new training program has helped Cat focus her training and get fitter and stronger
So, as a personal trainer, I talk quite a lot about my own journey from obesity to personal training. Over the years, it’s really driven the way I help people make changes in their own lives. My own journey continues and while its not always easy, sometimes it’s really hard actually. In general, it’s fun and I try to bring that sense of fun and excitement to training for my clients. As clients reach their one year anniversary of working with me, I ask them to just take a moment to reflect on their journey so far, how they are feeling and what changes they have made.
‘As someone who is new to the world of exercise, I am very grateful that I have found Teejay and her bootcamps. From the instant I met Teejay, she was incredibly welcoming and friendly, and put me right at ease. Her bootcamps are different every week and I love how creative and motivational the sessions are. You can adapt it to your level, at the same time as pushing yourself. And it’s a laugh! I cannot recommend her enough, and I always look forward to my weekly session!’ Eliza Cox – bootcamp client
This blog is dedicated to Claire, Tinners, Jules, Jeffers, Bru, Luca, Debs, Bev, Chelle and the Lady Lund. If Carlsberg did support crews…you’d be it. Thank you for making it all so much fun.
Yes, I went right to the very edge of my capability with that half ironman distance triathlon in Chester a few weeks ago. Or did I?
Well it certainly felt like it in the closing 4km of the run. When you’ve been on the moving constantly for just under 7 hours and everything starts to hurt you’ve got to have a good answer for the question: why am I putting myself through this?
So, I’ve been banging on for a few months about training for a long triathlon challenge (Half Ironman Distance) and I’ve been learning some pretty interesting stuff along the way so I thought it was worth checking in with an update.
There were lots of reasons to take on a challenge like this: 1) Triathlons are fun and I always say you’re more likely to stay engaged with exercise if you’re having fun 2) I ask a lot of my clients during their sessions – I’m constantly pushing them to find new limits and I want them to see me push my own limits as well 3) I tend to do better at longer, harder events where the challenge is actually getting to the end rather than how fast you get to the end 4) I wanted a challenge that was big enough to really scare me, that I had to look at and really wonder how on earth I was going to finish so that clients would see me go through that process and start thinking about how to approach their own challenges.