
fitness Archives - All Change Personal Training

Gavin’s story – Our client has his own say…

By | Client, Fitness, Health, Personal Journeys, Testimonials | No Comments

So, as a personal trainer, I talk quite a lot about my own journey from obesity to personal training. Over the years, it’s really driven the way I help people make changes in their own lives. My own journey continues and while its not always easy, sometimes it’s really hard actually. In general, it’s fun and I try to bring that sense of fun and excitement to training for my clients. As clients reach their one year anniversary of working with me, I ask them to just take a moment to reflect on their journey so far, how they are feeling and what changes they have made.

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Pesky Christmas Pounds: How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

By | Health | No Comments

Late last year, I got an email asking for some advice about staying fit and healthy during the Christmas season. The client wondered if I had any ideas on how to avoid holiday weight gain- the almost inevitable Christmas pounds. You know, those extra few pounds that creep on over the couple of weeks leading up to Christmas and then the week between Christmas and New Year?

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corporate training provider

Corporate Training: My ‘not-so-humble’ brag…

By | Health, Testimonials | No Comments

All Change branches into Corporate Training with great results!

So sometimes social media can be a funny thing – you want to tell people who follow you just what great results you’re getting but how do you do it without looking and sounding like a douchebag?

I don’t really know the answer to be honest but I’ve always been a relatively straightforward lass so my preference is always just to say things straight up and hope it finds the right audience without making me sound silly and if I occasionally miss the mark, hopefully I learn from it right? I’ve never been really got the subtle art of the ‘not-so-humble-brag’. So rather than trying to find a way to slip a little humble brag in here, I’m just going to shout it from the rooftops instead!

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One Year Later…

By | Client, Personal Journeys | No Comments


I’ve been working with the lovely Tess for just over a year and we had the chance to chat recently about her tremendous progress during the first year of her training program. I asked her to take a moment to put it into her own words so here you go:

So, I have been training with Teejay over a year now, and I can say I’ve loved all of it – well apart from lunges, and that stupid stretchy torture rope…

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